What is Qweboo

Nowadays, more and more people are using Facebook and Twitter as tools to not only share and socialize with friends, but to also follow the things that grab their interests and attention. People are beginning to find ways to effectively communicate posts and messages with more accuracy and relevancy with the use of hashtags. People are discovering the latest trends in fashion, music, arts, sports, technology etc.

While it is obvious that social media is here to stay, there are critical questions facing the future of social media. Questions like, “How can we effectively and productively connect?” “How do we receive information that which is relevant to our personal interest?” “How do we filter our own streams without having Google, Facebook, Twitter or some interest bot do it for us?” & “How much social media can we actually consume?”

Looking to the future, Cisco IBSG predicts there will be 25 billion devices connected to the Internet by 2015, and 50 billion by 2020.” Both the types of information we can share will dramatically increase, and the number of people from whom we can receive this content will also grow. Providing people more ways to share online is no longer the challenge. A new paradigm of relevancy is now emerging, which goes beyond the question of whether “to follow or not follow” or “to friend or not friend.” Due to the increase in real time content, Facebook and Twitter are attempting to do the filtering of our streams for us, such that we only see what they think most interests us. Could there be a better way? A way where content consumers get to see the content they are interested in and content distributors can target their posts to their target audience.

Follow too many Fan Pages and all of a sudden your News Feed becomes cluttered with too much information. Facebook has incorporated edgerank algorithm to learn from your engagement and site activity so it can show you the posts it thinks you want to see. But the reality is that you are the only one that knows what you truly want to see at the given moment.

Twitter has added “Group” and “List” features to help curate your interest streams. But the problem is that the only variable determining your interest stream in a list is the people you put into a list. Why use the individual user as the only variable that determines the distribution of an interest stream when most people nowadays are so dynamic and share information on different topics like news, sports, entertainment, politics, fashion, music, etc…? Could there be a better way of creating a real-time interest relevant feed from your social networks?

You have sites like TweetDeck, Hootsuite, Friendfeed that aggregate your social networks to bring them under one dashboard. While they are on the right track as far as wrapping the social web together, they still can’t differentiate the relevant posts from the social spam and clutter that naturally come as your social network grows. To me they got it all backwards. They’re taking the noise from your individual social networks and just adding bigger noise. Noise + Noise = Twice the Noise.

You also have social aggregator sites Like Rebelmouse that display all your social network posts in a Pinterest style front page so your fans can visit your aggregated content. Great for content distributors but not a real benefit for content consumers who have to travel out of their way just to go visit your web 1.0 front page. Very Myspace like dynamics.

The actual distribution of your interest streams should be left to matching interest points within the social community through incentive driven competitive “Web Crowdsourcing” so we can now begin to efficiently communicate messages with our “Networks” and “Social Community” in an environment that encourages and rewards the curation of important information.

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“Qweboo” will be the solution to create the proper infrastructure to categorize, classify & differentiate tweets, and posts with high interest relevance and with user choice on how it happens. It will use your relationships with the people in your social networks and will add the “Live Page” communication element to bring you the information that you want to see “Right Now” and the information that you don’t know of but want to see if it was shown to you. It will add an extension to your social networks like Facebook and Twitter by now being able to classify the post for interest relevancy and target audience distribution. Facebook created the social graph. Twitter gave the social graph the 2nd dimension by splitting it up into Followers and Following. Qweboo will add the 3rd dimension to the social graph by adding the “Live Page” communication element. It’s not just about who you follow but where and how you follow the people or entities that are important to your many different interests… IN YOUR “LIVE PAGES” USING Smart “LIVE TAGGING”

Qweboo™ is a social search engine, directory and syndication platform that puts the power of the social web back into the hands of people. Imagine Bloggers, Publishers, Advertisers being able to actually target important information to their interested followers with actual accuracy and relevancy. Imagine content consumers seeing the information they want to see with actual control of content.

Imagine being able to capture those special moments that you post or tweet in life and also share them with your friends/followers personal Live Pages as well. Playing the social game of building your Live Place is like building your very own real-time web that revolves around “YOU” and you can also use Qweboo to distribute content to all the other social networks that you want to share with as well. It’s your social web coming to you by the power of incentive driven community web based crowdsourcing that uses your human input to pass the important information to the right places at the proper time.

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You can visit Qweboo’s most popular Public Live Pages in the Public Live Pages directory to search for pre-built Live Pages with the most popular Live Tags that are feeding the page. You can leverage the work built by the Qweboo community by copying “Live Pages” from other users in your community and Networks and then fine tuning them for your own personal needs by following additional Live Tags within the page to get an even more relevant interest stream. Or if you like to create, you can build custom Live Pages from scratch and share them with your networks and Qweboo community.

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Members will be rewarded for popular trending Live Pages they create with public acknowledgement and user ranking status for providing relevant and useful mini-portals of information. Also people will be given public acknowledgement for the creation of useful Live Tags describing their usage and purpose for public communication. People create, curate, and classify content. Qweboo will do the rest by matching interest relevance within the community through Qweboo’s powerful human based interactive algorithm.

The basic idea is to make it really simple for a user to send targeted tweets/posts to their followers. Publishers, bloggers, content creators will now have a very powerful yet simple way to target their posts to interested followers by using the human element of Smart Live Tagging a post. Smart Live Tagging is strategically tagging posts from broad to narrow keywords .

Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and even facebook users are already tagging posts and tweets with hash tags. It’s knowing how to decipher and use hashtags for proper use what’s key to maximize content relevance and target audience distribution . Qweboo’s site dynamics will do this for you by matching the interest relevance from the Live tagging done within the Qweboo community. Through a little bit of competitive web crowdsourcing and proper user compensation, Qweboo will let you build and own your social web without taking away the social human element in the process…


Sign up for our Beta Launch http://www.qweboo.com

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  1. #1 by Dj Zeuus on February 4, 2013 - 6:51 pm

    Sounds awesome and like a real needed innovation, can’t wait to read more!

  2. #2 by carla on February 19, 2013 - 6:53 pm

    I think this sounds awesome! Queboo¡ can’t wait!

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